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/_/    \____/_/  /_/ /_/\__,_/_/|_| |___/\____/_/\__,_/   

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From time to time, I get asked for a list of things that inspire my work within the Fornax Void project.
To give a more comprehensive answer to that question, I have put together this HTML document.

This list is under construction.
Document created: 2018-Nov-05
Last document update: 2024-Mar-01

Also check out these content feeds / mood boards I curate:
  • https://www.facebook.com/semiconductorwave/
  • https://www.instagram.com/semiconductorwave/
  • http://vintagecomputers.tumblr.com/


    90s / early 2000s Game Soundtracks

  • X-COM Apocalypse - [ hyperlink ]
  • DreamWeb - [ hyperlink ]
  • Deus Ex - [ hyperlink ]
  • Crusader No Remorse - [ hyperlink ]
  • Uplink - [ hyperlink ]
  • Snatcher - [ hyperlink ]
  • Master of Orion 2 - [ hyperlink ]
  • Mirror's Edge - [ hyperlink ]
  • Fallout 2 - [ hyperlink ]
  • Fallout 1 - [ hyperlink ]
  • Morrowind - [ hyperlink ]
  • Lands of Lore 2 - [ hyperlink ]
  • Burn Cycle - [ hyperlink ]
  • Might and Magic VIII - [ hyperlink ]
  • Eve Online - [ hyperlink ]
  • Eco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future - [ hyperlink ]

  • The Genuine Cyberpunk Ambient Music Playlist:

    Hiroshi Yoshimura

    Hiroshi Yoshimura in his Studio
    "Hiroshi Yoshimura (吉村弘 Yoshimura Hiroshi, 22 October 1940 - 23 October 2003) was a
    Japanese musician and composer. He is considered a pioneer of ambient music in Japan."

    - Wikipedia

    Hiroshi Yoshimura Playlist:

    More music

  • Brian Eno - [ hyperlink ]
  • Steve Roach - [ hyperlink ] - [ Bandcamp ]
  • Haroumi Hosono - [ hyperlink ]
  • Glenn Branca - [ hyperlink ]
  • Harry Partch - [ hyperlink ]
  • David Borden - [ hyperlink ]
  • William Basinski - [ hyperlink ]
  • Satoshi Ashikawa - [ hyperlink ]
  • Takatoshi Naitoh - [ hyperlink ]
  • Motohiko Hamase - [ hyperlink ]


  • Roland JV-2080 - [ hyperlink ]
  • Korg WaveStation - [ hyperlink ]
  • E-MU Morpheus - [ hyperlink ]
  • Korg M1 - [ hyperlink ]
  • Roland D-50 - [ hyperlink ]
  • Yamaha PSS-480 - [ hyperlink ]


  • Blender - Open-source 3D computer graphics software toolset.
  • Grafx2 - 256 color bitmap paint program inspired by ​Deluxe Paint.
  • 3D Construction Kit - Utility for creating 3D worlds in the Freescape Engine.
  • TrenchBroom - Cross platform level editor for Quake-engine based games.
  • MilkyTracker - Multi-platform .MOD / .XM tracker, inspired by Fasttracker II.
  • Renoise - Modern Tracker / DAW with VST support.

  • GAMES (excerpt)

    DreamWeb Screenshot
  • DreamWeb (1994) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Morrowind Screenshot
  • Morrowind (2002) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Fallout 2 Screenshot
  • Fallout 2 (1998) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Master of Orion 2 Screenshot
  • Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares (1996) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Crusader No Remorse Screenshot
  • Crusader: No Remorse (1995) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Syndicate Screenshot
  • Syndicate (1993) - [ hyperlink ]

  • D/Generation Screenshot
  • D/Generation (1991) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Simon the sorcerer 2 Screenshot
  • Simon the Sorcerer II (1995) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Leisure Suit Larry 6 Screenshot
  • Leisure Suit Larry 6 - [ hyperlink ]

  • Loom Screenshot
  • Loom (1990) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Dune 2 Screenshot
  • Dune II (1992) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Screenshot
  • Heroes of Might and Magic III (1999) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Diablo 1 Screenshot
  • Diablo (1996) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Ultima Online Screenshot
  • Ultima Online (1997) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Baldur's Gate 1 Screenshot
  • Baldur's Gate (1998) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Jagged Alliance 2 Screenshot
  • Jagged Alliance 2 (1999) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Abuse Screenshot
  • Abuse (1996) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Deus Ex Screenshot
  • Deus Ex (2000) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Outcast Screenshot
  • Outcast (1999) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Oddworld Abe's Oddysee Screenshot
  • Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (1997) - [ hyperlink ]

  • StarCraft Screenshot
  • StarCraft (1998) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Sim City 4 Deluxe Edition Screenshot
  • SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition (2004) - [ hyperlink ]

  • Skyworker Screenshot
  • Skyworker (1994) - [ hyperlink ]

  • SpaceQuest 2 Vorhaul's Revenge Screenshot
  • Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge - [ hyperlink ]

  • Eve Online Screenshot
  • Eve Online (2003) - [ hyperlink ]


    Sandy Smith, Mauritian Sunset, CRT Screens and Computer Art Installation, January 2006.
    Sandy Smith, Mauritian Sunset (January 2006)

    Masayasu Uchida Illustration
    Masayasu Uchida

    Digital Illustration by digital pioneer James D. Sachs
    James D. Sachs

    Work by Pixel Art Guru and Pioneer Mark Ferrari
    Mark Ferrari

    Illustration from a Book of civil engineer Dr. Nobutaka Katahira
    Dr. Nobutaka Katahira

    Work by Robert Mickelsen
    Robert Mickelsen

    Work by Rick Berry
    Rick Berry

    Work by R. Stein III
    R. Stein III

    misc. visual inspirations without source:


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