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Fornax Void - music and art for the Cyberspace and Beyond.

Fornax Void is an audiovisual arts project founded by David Elsener (* 1984) in 2012. David's educational background lies in Visual Communication and Computer Technology.

Before other topics, the project's main source of inspiration is the technology and design language of the late 20th century.

As a child of the early World Wide Web and 90s internet culture, Fornax Void seeks to transport the essence of the golden years of cyberspace into a contemporary context.

Thereby Fornax Void's work makes extensive use of the combination of old and new technologies: vintage digital and analog synthesizers, old computer hard- and software, magnetic tape, CRT screens, analog film and low resolution computer graphics integrated into a modern high resolution workflow.

While his ambient music explorations are at the core of Fornax Void's work, the project is ultimatively about world building, story telling and memory preservation of an internalized creative universe that was 1990s computer culture. A concept terminologically summarized in the denomination SemiconductorWave.


1984 - Born in Lucerne, Switzerland
2005 - Graduation as eidg. Dipl. computer systems engineer (BBZS, Schindler Elevator Corporation)
2012 - Graduation as Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences)
2012 + Work as freelance arstist and father of three. Travels to Tanzania, China, Japan and around Europe
2020 - Completion of large scale audiovisual arts project: 'Cyberspace Database'

EXHIBITIONS (more info)
2021 - Kunsthaus Langenthal, Switzerland: part of the exhibition 'H.o.Me. - Heim fuer obsolete Medien'
2019 - Maysles Documentars Center, New York, USA: part of the exhibition 'Peephole Cinema and Felt Zine: The Big Crossover @URL'
2018 - Leo Kuelbs Collection, New York, USA: part of the exhibition 'Hyperreal 42'
2018 - Digital Art Demo Space, Chicago, USA: part of the exhibition 'S H R I N E - Annual Exhibition 2018'
2018 - SPAMM - Super Art Modern Museum: part of the permanent online exhibition since 2018

2014 - Upcoming Filmmakers Festival, Lucerne, Switzerland (as director, 'The Electronic Border' by David Elsener)
2014 - Intervideo Nachwuchspreis Festival, Mainz, Germany (as director, 'The Electronic Border' by David Elsener)
2013 - Schweizer Jugendfilmfestival Lucerne, Switzerland (as cinematograper / color editor, 'Wo Kino am groessten ist' by Alexander Wigger)
2013 - 17th Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, Jihlava, Czechia (as director, 'The Electronic Border' by David Elsener)
2013 - Backup Kurzfilmfestival der Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar, Weimar, Germany (as director, 'The Electronic Border' by David Elsener)
2012 - Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival 12th Edition, Neuchatel, Switzerland (as assistant cinematographer, 'Elysion' by Philipp Thalmann)
2012 - European Media Art Festival, Osnabrueck, Germany (as assistant cinematographer, 'Elysion' by Philipp Thalmann)
2011 - 47. Solothurner Filmtage, Switzerland (as assistant cinematographer, 'Elysion' by Philipp Thalmann)
2008 - Clair Obscur Film Festival, Basel, Switzerland (as director, 'Feel Good' by David Elsener)
2008 - Donetsk Short Film Festival, Donetsk, Ukraine (as director, 'Feel Good' by David Elsener)

2011 - Winner of 'Die schoensten Schweizer Buecher' as co-autor of the book 'Post Apocalyptic Sciencefiction B-Movies' by Noël Leu :-)

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All content created by Fornax Void
(C) 1984-2024 Fornax Void, all rights reserved

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